The Games

Date: 8/5/2018

By BranchMan

With a large group of people at my house. We’re playing some sort of huge hide and seek game. I remember standing outside and Dwight schrute came out yelling for us to get inside this black truck were standing around in the parking lot of the clubhouse in my neighborhood. Half the people ended up inside and half outside and that’s how we divided teams. I somehow ended up unseen in the back of the truck so I claimed to have no team. Before this happened, my friend Patrick was at the top of the hill and me and a couple others were laying in the truck. He noticed us and we acted like we were hiding and he after a while he believed us and started to go inside the clubhouse. Before he got in tho we were already moving and doing stuff and it was clear we lied to him, and he can see me staring at him watching him go inside. Then the games begin. Suddenly I’m back in my house and chose to hide in my room. I was hearing some weird loud noise outside the room so I locked the door. After a while, during some interesting noises, I decided to yell. Even though my door was locked someone opened it within seconds. The whole crowd of people I was playing with were right there and they started getting all excited as if they had found me and I had lost, but I got excited and began asking them just who’s team I was on. No one could recall because I was hiding in the bed of the truck earlier. As we were walking out, Kelsey who I went to hs with is amazed at my trick. My friend Braxton then says, yeah he’s a genius. I then slide down the stairs in a dope manner. Then suddenly we’re in what seems like an auditorium at school and we had been playing a game with a much larger group of people that involved finding the prize, which the staff of the event were supposed to deceive the location of. I must have had this dream recently because as soon as they pulled a trick that was supposed to lead you to believe where the prize was, I remembered where it really was. They were carting it out of the building disguised as room service. This is the moment they were going to call the event finished and the prize unclaimed. I climbed over people and raced to follow the cart, which lead me outside into a big group of people. Someone outside had already grabbed it and only for about 5 seconds did I attempt to be assertive about claiming it. Then I’m telling them that they can just have it, as I admire a poker set that someone else had won. I went to sigh, but in that instance I woke up and sighed out loud which is a first lol.