
Date: 4/4/2017

By LightSins

I was with my family, in the airport, along with my Sister. My sister's name was Kana and I was cheerfully talking to her as usual, going around to eat, have fun and such. After a while of continuous shopping around the airport, it was time to board and we all got into the plane... It was a Malaysian Airline, that's what I remembered, but I paid no mind as we got on. The plane took off and after a while we were in the air. We flew for a while, me and my Sister talking happily on the plane, in our seats, when the intercom switched on. The pilot was speaking. "Attention...Attention all passengers. I am sorry to inform you, that none of you will be going home tonight" Confusion. A lot of confusion. "This plane is crashing" We started to tilt. He turned the plane in a circular direction, like a car in a roundabout with the tip pointing downwards. We started spiralling into the sea. The entire airbus screamed. We all thought he was joking, but the sea only drew closer and closer. The plane hit the ocean, and there was darkness, and water. No pain. And then I 'woke up' in a hotel room. It was empty and I had fallen off a bed, but the memory of dying in a plane crash resonated strongly with me. Panicked, I came to a realisation that I had probably been kept alive to text my family goodbye. I went onto my phone, into notepad and began writing. "I'm sorry. I won't make it. Plane crashed into the ocean" As I typed my vision blurred and my body got heavy. It was hard to keep awake. "The pilot did it" And I mass sent the note file to everyone in my contacts. My cousins, my parents and my Sister got it, even though I'm sure my Sister was dead. The only response I got was "..." from my close Cousin. I closed my eyes, so I could die, but I didn't. I was confused. The door slammed open and my Sister was there, carrying take out. Somehow, we ended up sharing a meal and I thought, "maybe it was a dream...?" When suddenly she pulled out a drink. It was a berry drink. She HATED berry drinks. "Here, sis. Try this. It's like, Super good" she told me. "I know. I buy this brand all the time" I responded, confused. Now it was her turn to look puzzled. "Sis, you HATE berry stuff" she stated as I took a sip. Somehow, I managed to tell her about the plane crash, the water and me waking up. We concluded that somehow, I had switched timelines with her real Sister at the moment of death. I asked why she liked berries here and I hated them, and why there were so many others I didn't recognise in my phone. She explained that this timeline I was forced into was much bigger, had more potential, and thus, more better changes could happen. I woke up after that. This dream was chilling for me afterwards when I recounted what happened. The fear I felt for my life as we descended into the ocean. The pilot was suicidal in my dream. I can't explain why but I feel a very strong resonating connection between the Malaysian Airline that went missing a few years ago in the ocean and the one in the dream. It felt like to me, I experienced what it was like to be in that plane. I experienced a 'memory' of one of the passengers who died. I'm not claiming it's true, but that's just how I felt after I woke up. Nevertheless, regardless of what it meant, it was a very...cold dream. Another thing that chilled me was, the 'me' that swapped places in death with me. Her life ended abruptly for no reason. She'd be sleeping peacefully on the bed, and then suddenly she was propelling through several thousand feet underwater, drowning and struggling to live with no understanding of where she was or what was happening. And her family... I may have replaced her, but I don't think I could have. The other me's family had lost her, and I had sent it to everyone she knew on her phone that SHE DIED. Not me, but her. Imagine how devastated you'd be if you discovered your very close Friend or someone you absolutely loved died by some glitch. It chilled me, because I felt like I stole someone's life away. They could've had a whole beautiful life, and I should have died. But i didn't, and now, Kana had lost her sister, to save me. A stranger. I can still feel the water against my skin.