Date: 6/7/2020
By TwentieToo
I was in a small arena. A lot of people were there, including my friends. In the middle of the arena were some homemade props, a grandma, and a lamb. And apparently the grandma and the lamb were being forced to fight to the death. The grandma was obviously stronger than the lamb. She kept punching the lamb to where it would fall or be thrown against the props. She would wait for it to get back up again and would keep punching and throwing it. The crowd was cheering the grandma on and laughed everytime the lamb would be punched or thrown. I sat there desperately wanting to do something and wondering why all my friends were laughing and cheering.
AI generated interpretation Your dream seems to involve a conflict between two very important figures in your life: your grandmother and a lamb. The fact that they are being forced to fight to the death suggests a significant level of tension or discord between the two in your waking life, or at least in your subconscious. Your grandmother, in particular, seems to be overpowering the lamb and displaying more aggression and violence. This may indicate that you perceive her as dominant or overpowering in your life, or that you are struggling to assert your own independence or voice in the face of her influence. Additionally, the crowd's response to the violence (cheering and laughing) may suggest a sense of alienation or isolation on your part-- you feel uncomfortable with the situation but everyone else seems to be okay with it. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your fear or anxiety about conflicts in your personal relationships, especially when there seems to be an uneven balance of power or aggression. It's possible that you feel powerless or helpless in the face of these conflicts, and wish you could do something to resolve them (similar to your desire to intervene in the dream).