Argy wears short jeans with green see through clothe and her legs and butt are more muscular and bigger than her usual self.

Date: 4/13/2019

By janyrivas

Argy tenīa unos mini short jeans and you could see her legs with mulos and butt, pero parecían mas como mis piernas y mis mulos si estubieran mas firmes por ejercicios. Tenía una tela verde transparente como larga como arriba de los jeans que volaba un poco con la brisa. She was doing something, can’t remember exactly. Era como en una apartamento que estabamos. I don’t think I said a word, I was just kind pf watching. I remember thinking about she still has a little celulitis but not really so much, because you could see her butt and legs firmed. (This dream is probably because of my little prayer last night asking God to show me a way so my celulite is not visible)