kirishima only had one day to live

Date: 9/15/2020

By em2002

sept 14, 2020 okay so i was at this girl scouts ?? camp thing with emma but it was for all genders bc matt yuen was there too?!? (and me.. but anyway) so one night i went to his room in the cabin and he shared his weed with me and another guy who was in his room???! so we got high together but instead of a bong he had this giant thingy that looked like a food processor but it could also be used as a bong idk so the hits i took were ginormous 😳 anyway yeah so that happened and then the next night i had a dream in my dream that i was at auntie susannes house and they had this huuuge pool that had like all this inflatable equipment in it like slides and ladders and stuff so i kept using it, i kept going up the ladder and down the slide but one time when i was swimming to get out of the pool, i noticed that the water suddenly turned to dark lake water and i couldnt see below me, so i stuck my hand farther below me to see if there were any fish and all of a sudden i feel REALLY sharp teeth on my hand and it was so scary and PAINFUL and the fish or whatever kept biting my hand aggressively and like ripping my skin so i started screaming, like screeching for help and my mom started running towards me panicking but it felt like she was taking forever and i couldnt move my hand out of the water or else the fish’s teeth would literally tear all my flesh right off the bone. my mom finally pulled me out and the fish swam away, but the skin on my hand was bleeding and torn so my mom had to like clean it and bandage it. I remember she was like “yeah those fish are nasty i got attacked by one too.” Then i woke up from the dream in my dream. I was still at the camp but that day was the day we were supposed to go home, but instead of being picked up by our parents we had to go through this whole process where we had to go on this magical train thing but there was this guy standing at the entrance (which was a closet) and he had this neon arrow pointing downward over the entrance and we had to run and slide under the arrow in order to get in, but we only had one chance and once we went in we couldn’t return so it was kinda like a portal?,? so if we wanted to bring all our luggage back with us we had to carry it ALL in at once. For some reason i had my rats with me and my mom came to the camp too so i told her to take the rats with her bc i was afraid i couldnt carry them properly if i took them. Oh yeah and also, this process decided how long your lifespan was going to be after you went through the portal. For me i was deemed worthy enough for my number to be infinity (but it wasnt clear whether it was “infinity until i die” or just like, i live forever which would be more of a curse). Emma was rlly scared to go through bc she thought her lifespan wasnt gonna be long enough (we only got to know our numbers after we got through; and if we didnt go through on our first try, we had to either stay at the camp place for the rest of our lives or we just die but i forget which one it was). so yeah it was a whole like ceremony where everyone got prepared to go through the portal and prepared all their luggage and stuff. Before i left i kept giving kisses to the rats who were in a mesh carrier (and trying to push their way out) and yeah i kept saying “dont worry mommys gonna take you home soon!! ill be back with you before you know it!! i love you stinkies!!” and i kept reminding my mom not to forget about the rats once she took them home. So i carried the rest of my luggage, which was a SHIT TON and i wouldn't have been able to carry that all in real life, and i was chosen to go through the portal first. I slid through with ease and i was shouting goodbye to everyone and reminded my mom one last time abt the rats as i was sliding through. I took a seat on the train and waited for emma bc i had faith that she was gonna make it through. Eventually she did but by then she had turned into kirishima and i turned into bakugou. So i saw kirishima walking down the isle so he could sit next to me and i got excited and hugged him in relief and said “dude look you made it!” but he looked really sad and kinda sadly chuckled and said “well... not really.” and i was like ??? and he said “i kinda traded my life to get through... i only have one more day to live.” and i started tearing up and was like no... that cant be true... there has to be a way for you to live longer and he was like “im sorry bro,” and like sadly smiling. everyone on the bus got rly solemn and sad but i just like didnt believe that he couldnt live longer so anyway as we were on the way home, we were talking (idr about what) and we were flirting and stuff and i leaned in rlly close to his face and said something but i dont remember what i said ugh and we both started blushing and kiri turned his face away and at first i was like “shit was that too far” but then i remembered he was blushing and was like “oh he’s just flustered bc im attractive lol” and when we had to get off the train (which had turned into a school bus) we all thought kiris time was up and i started tearing up again and said “please dont” but he left the bus anyway, just accepting that his time was up. but when he stepped out nothing happened, he didnt die. We all just kinda realized that he wasnt going to die so soon after all and everyone on the bus started cheering and i flew out of the bus and hugged kiri really hard. He hugged me back and i think we were like crying. And i remember saying “I think it was because everyone on the bus collectively believed in u and wanted you to stay and live out to your lifes potential, and it was so strong that it disbanded the trade or whatever you made” and yeah. i was happy and me and kiri were happy :)