The Deleted Dream...

Date: 3/31/2019

By always-shivering

I know I’ve written about these dreams before but they have vanished... so ima write them up again with a totally random date. Actually I don’t remember a lot of details anymore... but ima try. I was sleeping in my bed in the first dream and well I can’t remember anything besides me slightly waking up because I felt some kind of presence. My entire body began feeling heavy and then I felt my hands being held down. I was being grabbed by my wrists. I could feel some kind of pressure or force holding them. I tried to move but I couldn’t. My entire body was being weighed down and it felt like someone was on top of me. I could barely move my hands and fingertips but I tried to use them to scratch at what was holding my wrists. I tried to scream but I couldn’t open my mouth. Not a sound would come out. Everything felt too real. I couldn’t open my eyes either. I was pinned down by the pressure until finally it relieved itself. And I probably screamed for help when I could but I can’t remember now The same night only a couple hours later it started happening again. This time I was lying on the floor outside my room. Something sitting on top of my and pinning me to the floor again. I imagined this thing to be sort of witchy. I could barely move. But I could open my mouth and eyes. Once I opened them though I think I caught a quick glimpse of her before my rain or water started falling on my face making it difficult to breathe. It got close to me at one point where I was somehow able to grab or scratch at its eye which woke me up. In my own bed. I jumped and probably screamed again. I couldn’t help but wonder if these were cases of sleep paralysis or not... maybe I have a gift lol. If so I don’t want it 😂😭