Running on Air & Chow Mein Parasites?

Date: 3/30/2018

By fluffytree

I was in my neighborhood taking a walk when I decided to start running. Upon doing so I soon found that I was moving but my feet weren't touching the ground and realized that I was literally running on top of air as if I had Christmas reindeer powers or something. It was amazing. It was a bit weird to try and run on given there was so much floatiness to my stride, so I ended up moving as if I was skating to better propel myself forward. I ended up going past a couple of cops and wondered if I could get a ticket for this, but they didn't even seem to notice. So I continued down the street until I got to some unfamiliar apartments and set back down on the ground where I walked around curiously. Nothing major was going on, but I did end up observing a snippet of this random girl's life who was having some sort of small crisis with her boyfriend and father. I think the boyfriend was in some kind of legal trouble and she was trying to figure out how to keep him from jail while of course her father wanted her to have nothing to do with the guy. I saw her run out of the apartment building entrance crying before I drifted to another dream. And in my last dream I found myself in the midst of downtown during a busy weekend banging out with some friends from high school. I wandered around by myself before meeting them though and ended up seeing this beautiful African girl that I've seen before in other dreams for the last year or so. I assume she's some kind of model because she wears very artsy clothing that you would usually only see on a runway, has dark skin, is quite tall at around 6' 2", long black braids, and almond shaped eyes that are almost Asian-like in appearance. In fact she has a resemblance to the R&B singer Brandy actually. She sees me and smiles and I shyly smile back while uttering out a barely audible hi before continuing on my way. This is how our meetings always go. We never actually talk to each other but I do feel like there's some sort of unspoken chemistry there. I start thinking how I should ask her out for a date next time I see her so I can finally get to know her better. I wonder what a date with a literal dream girl would be like anyway? It's intriguing that's for sure. I make it to some little café where my friends are and notice just three familiar faces; Courtney and both Sheldons from my old class. The rest of the group were unknowns to me. I remember one guy ordering some sort of exotic bread that had what looked like chow mein noodles inside, but upon closer inspection the noodles were slightly moving, which meant they weren't noodles at all but some sort of worms/parasites. Why anyone would eat it I don't know, but soon I saw a white van appear right by us which had more of those parasites on them. I was a little grossed out but curious as well. I didn't say much while there, just watched and listened, but I felt like I'd had enough socializing for one day and wanted to go home, especially given that I was scheduled to work that night and hadn't slept yet. I woke up shortly after starting my walk home.