Total Drama Island and Stressful Prom Photos

Date: 3/30/2020

By levinelover

I was sitting at a table in a classroom in Yair’s highschool with Yair and “The Group” of highschool friends. The walls at first looked so cool like they had a 3D cloud design but as looking closer I realized it was just painted on. There was a huge window and even outside the roof window there was a cool cloud design. Me and Yair were fully glammed up, I had makeup/hair/dress and he had his haircut the way he usually gets it done and a suit. I wanted to get good photos of us while we were glammed up. I told Yair I wanted to have photos taken of us and he said quick because he just wanted to finish his food and get out of this school as quickly as he could. I was disappointed, I told him I understood cause I know he was bullied here for a couple of years. My friends were near by and might’ve heard what I said so I hoped he wasn’t mad I said he was bullied out loud. I told him okay just one photo. Someone gave Elite my camera as we posed together. She took foreeeeever! Then she asked us to move over where it was better lighting in front of the window. I knew that was a bad idea cause the light would fuck with our photo and didn’t sang our only photo to be badly lit like that. I waited for her to notice when the lighting was shit. After she took the photo she noticed and told us to move to this other spot. I hoped Yair wasn’t getting annoyed. I wanted the cool clouds in the background so I told her actually I like over there and me and Yair talked over to the spot I liked. As I posed I tried to feel the genuine emotion of being happy to be there with him, although underlying I felt tension that he wouldn’t wanna take more photos since she already took more than 1 and I promised only one. They were taken not on a phone but an actual camera. The photos didn’t turn out good so they asked Sydney if she could take it since she was better at taking photos. She agreed looking confused and looked around at the camera as she cane over to take a photo of us. Now completely different environment and people. We were in a camp like environment although it had buildings as well as cabins. It was nighttime. The cartoon campers from Total Drama Island were there. In the cabin the strong black one was woken up from sleep in the middle of the night and looked around. Someone woke him up and said there was a really bad man among us that was capturing us for who knows why. Everyone was woken up so they could see a map of every country that was affected. The countries lit up and started to make a picture, and the picture looked like Chef from the island! And the counties also lit up in the shape of a penis for Chef, and the penis looked like a person, one from camp! A really short man who worked at the camp! The map person started to digitally move and talk, and so did the penis guy, the penis guy said chef was even and secretly living among us all this time, and now he’s almost gotten control of the world and is capturing everyone from camp too! So a search started! They had a high up jail cell and had helicopters looking around camp for chef to capture him and stop this. Chef had already captured 4-6 campers! They were trapped in the jail cell, and were turned into mini chickens with the same hair they had as people. The only two I recognized from their hair were Cody and Iva. They were captured first because they were the chosen ones by their capture to do what he had planned. They actually all felt honoured to be the special ones that were hand picked. Meanwhile in the pitch black cabin where everyone was scared, chef was in there! And he was scared! So if he was in there he couldn’t be the one capturing people, someone must be impersonating him! Someone who looked like chef was captured and out in the jail cell, but weirdly his voice sounded exactly like the show host Chris McLain’s voice. It was Chris pretending to be Chef, but it was unclear weather the man responsible was Chris or the short chef penis guy. They didn’t know it was Chris they still thought it was Chef, and then they also captured real Chef! Both of them were in the jail cell now.