
Date: 11/25/2018

By dreakee

By the entire student body, I was elected to be their leader. I was certainly honored, but I was surprised that they picked me, because I didn’t even go to that school anymore and half of them didn’t even know me. I knew I couldn’t be called up there wearing what I was wearing so I knew that I had to change. The assistant told me I had to do it fast. I tried my best and changed into my blue dress. I screamed because it was my Elsa Halloween costume. They called me out and I had to go out there. Confidently, I walked out and felt a strange weight on my head. I pulled it off and threw it as I saw it was the pants I was wearing and forgot to pull off my head? The student body clapped and I made a speech and it was actually pretty good. During school hours, there were intruders. Cassie (freshman) and I were hiding in the bathroom stalls. For some stupid reason the stalls were slippery and my legs were shaking. The intruder came to my stall and said,”Are you cold in there?” And then busted the door open and grabbed me. I screamed and fought them and then Cassie and I escaped and ran in different directions. A couple kids saw me and told me to hide and pointed to a door. I ran to a different one and the lights turned on and I was like nononono and they told me to say “lights off” and I did and they turned off. Eventually, someone spoke on the announcement system, telling us to meet in the auditorium. We all met there and the King spoke. We all had assigned seats with our names on it but I could never find mine. Eventually I found it in the front row, next to Jack. My name was Jule Summers or something like that. I was talking to Jack about it and he told me that he was intrigued that I changed my name to something like that, but it really suited me. The king said that outside the doors, there was a war going on. I had to lead them and that no matter what, we had to try our best. I did a war cry as I heard bombs going off outside and gunfire. I opened up my ladybug jacket that I was now wearing and as I opened it, it turned into a little hang glider. I didn’t know that would happen. The students looked at me in awe and some laughed at how slow it was going and I did too. I handed it to a smaller warrior (I think it was Cassie). All together, we did our warrior cries and we ran through those doors. I teleported to Aidyn’s work, which was a cinnamon roll shop. I knew Aidyn saw me and he went to hide. The person who was chopping the walnuts was behind, so I grabbed some gloves, put them on and then helped chop the walnuts. Then, I woke up.