The ocean

Date: 10/18/2018

By Percephia

I had gone to the beach with my family. We were all enjoying it peacefully and sitting in the sand in the shallow end of the water. All of the sudden the waves get huge and we all dive under it to ensure not getting hit by the impact. When we arise more waves hit us until eventually the water calms. The current had taken us out about a mile and a half away from shore to a small rock-like sandbar and we stood there pondering how to get back. In the distance a man on a very long surfboard had come and said “I usually make people pay for this but since it’s you’re first time and you’re in big trouble I’ll give it for free,” and handed us the surfboard. He himself somehow walked on the water very quickly (almost floating over the water.) we all boarded the surfboard and it had sped across the mile and a half in a few seconds. After that we all went back to the hotel to eat dinner with my cousins but one of them couldn’t make it because he was grounded. Nobody had made dinner so we all took out paper plates and made sandwiches. My alarm woke me up before I could finish the dream.