Date: 1/12/2019
By AJacobs
The start is perhaps a bit foggy. I’m not sure if I experienced it, or if it was just implied. There was some kind of rebellion going on. The city was to be evacuated. It was night time and I had gotten to a Train Platform on a small hill, as they tend to be when you are near Chicago. I found myself at this platform by myself. I don’t know if any trains were there when I got there, did I come here using a train? There are three sets of tracks and I am standing on them. I look out upon the city. Lights made for orange-yellow illuminations across this bleak black landscape of a city. Some buildings blazed away with their fires sending out illuminations of their own. I look down the tracks to my left (with the city in front of me). I think I see a square far away. I look away back at the station, the platform, the trees behind me, and back down the tracks. I again see this black square, larger now. I realize and confirm my suspicions that the black square must be a train. I back up off the tracks and watch as it screams past me. Fairly loud, it looks like a grey/silver blur as it passes. Then, a train slows to a halt in front of me. A conductor steps out of the stopped train. Many other trains start coming to a halt here too. I speak with the conductor and discuss two things. One, evacuation of the people. Two, the way forward leads to the base of the corporate dictator who we are in rebellion against. I get in one of the train cars and wait a minute as others join me. The inside of the train car is actually completely empty and shaped weirdly. It has two ends like normal rectangular prisms, but in the middle, they are at an angle to each other. I get in the car from the side door which is right next to the bend. I kneel down as about thirty Rebel Troopers from Star Wars: [Episode IV] A New Hope pile into the train car. They are wearing those pale blue/grey clothing with a black vest as well as the wide brimmed white and black helmets like they do on the Tantive IV, Leia’s blockade runner that gets boarded at the start of Star Wars. I hold on to the edge by the door and lay down trying to get a grip so I don’t go flying if we crash or it accelerates too fast. The train starts to move and takes off down the track. The train has no lights in it but we are all dimly visible. I’m not sure if I recall any of the troopers talking really, it may just have all been quiet whispers because we knew we were headed to the dictator’s base. The train slows to a halt. The doors open in the front and side and the Rebel Troopers poor out. There was an implied battle that I did not see. I don’t even know if there were sounds of a battle. I am still in the train, the doors are closed but have slits at the bottom that I can kind of look through. I inspect the bottom of the side door and have a very limited thin view-slit. It seems to be a brightly lit warehouse outside the train car. There are brown boxes and I think people in red uniform. I hear talking and someone walks up to the side of the door. I crawl backwards trying not to get caught. The employee in a red uniform slides open the door and leans in, inspecting the train car. He spots me and jovially invites me to exit the car. I comply. I think the scenery changes. I am no longer in a warehouse, but rather a gift shop/mini-museum that celebrates the evil corporate dictator. The train is still behind me. In front of me are lots of people milling about the shop in fancy clothes. Behind me, the door to the train, to my right, a fairly normal gift shop, to my left, a glass wall/windows with a suburban neighborhood in full daylight. Directly ahead (and slightly right) a listing of achievements and timeline of the corporate dictator and great feats of humanitarian aid and science he has completed. I was kind of implied somehow that we, the rebellion had won. But I was still on the lookout for the dictator himself. Near the achievement wall was the elderly couple that ran this shop. They lived in the house in front of the building by a hundred feet. It was sort of at an angle in the middle of a big grass clearing while the rest are in neat rows next to the streets. The elderly couple is about to go home. I look towards their house, I see a dark shape, a human moving around inside it. Quick note, a lot of the side of their house must be glass because I could look into it. I inform them and they shrug it off and say who it is. I then can see him, and recognize him as a leader of the rebellion. He is white, shirtless, has some facial hair, maybe a tattoo, and is carrying a black gun (a shotgun I think). The elderly couple walk outside towards their house, I am watching from inside. Suddenly, a man pounces down, apparently from atop the building I am in. I start to rush outside into the daylight. I get out there to find Dictator, who had pounced, and one of the leaders of the Rebellion yelling at each other with weapons drawn and aimed at each other (By the way, I think the rebel leader may have a shirt on at this point). After a couple seconds I start yelling, “Stop It! This isn’t real! It’s all my dream! You are all fake!” So, I guess I realized it was my dream and didn’t want any more violence. So after a few moments, the situation calms down, relaxes, and I go inside. Inside are all of the people in fancy clothes, as if dressed up for a formal dance with men in suits and tuxedos and women in stunning dresses. I notice a bunch of them are old friends start talking with them going from one to the other. Then with a self-awareness that I am in a dream, the sexual side of me takes over. I start to grope at some women’s breasts and essentially hump them. It was kind of implied sex, but I think I was just thrusting with all of our clothes on. So one of my hands goes down to feel their vagina. That leads to me fingering them. I move from one girl to the other. Wanting to feel all of their breasts. A bunch of them were friends from years ago. I remember the last two I think. The second to last was similar to but not exactly like Allyssa B, with a gold sleeveless dress. The final girl was Judy T. She had perky but noticeable breasts behind a yellow dress. I started cumming and I could feel that in dream. I soon woke up with well creamed underwear and sweatpants. Shower Time was next on the list...