Date: 4/18/2020
By Taradactyle
I went to a basketball game super late at night but I was the only cheerleader there and I had to change on the court. I was standing aside and not really cheering the whole time. We went back to a friends house after the game and we played this video game where every person has an element and I was fire. There was this tentacle thing that we had to kill and I mixed my powers with the water person and we killed most of them. Later diego(yes that Diego ew) came in and asked Bella if he could sleep over at her house and she said yes and she looked straight at me and said “hey Tara can you send me some of ur nudes” I was so mad and I beat her up. Later I had to drive home but I’m a horrible driver so I felt like I was driving in gta and it was really hard. We eventually got home and my mom was mad I was back late.