The devils trick onto 3 woman's death

Date: 9/7/2017

By daphg

I was a middle aged woman with three friends similar to those that I have right now expect they didn't look the same. I wasn't very close to all of them but then something happened that allowed me to get closer to all of them. We were all hanging out at what I remember to be a shopping mall when one of the ladies said she had received a threatening phone call telling her to meetup somewhere and bring large amounts of money. The caller had said that they were the devil and would kill her if she didn't bring it, I was the only one out of the friends that didn't believe it was the devil because what would he want with money? Then a few hours later another one of the ladies received the same call while we were in the bathroom, I tried to take the phone from her to find out who it was but the phone called turned into a telemarketer talking and then white noise could be heard through the phone. All of them were freaking out but I tried to keep them calm. We all headed over to my house, it was late at night, we were all together in the living room when one of the ladies started freaking out about the phone calls randomly. We all went into the laundry room for some reason and got locked in there. Then two men appeared through a door who I guess had a relationship with one of the woman. Those three were the ones who had been making the threatening calls, I knew it had been a person. Then they pulled out a knife and a gun they were saying why they were going to kill them but I can't remember why. They ended up killing two of the ladies and towards the end I killed the two men. The two men were father and son and during their final hours they were arguing about why the sons shooting method was going to get them caught. After everyone died I immediately felt guilty. I felt as if I had been the one who killed everyone, I was the one at fault for all of this. I was going to be the one who would get arrested. I stayed in the house the whole night, then the next morning some ladies and a younger girl came over to the house. At first I thought they were just curious neighbors but then I realized they were family because the younger girl let herself into the backyard. When the woman approached the front door I freaked out. I started crawling on the floor trying to hide from them seeing if I could escape out of somewhere, but they were inching in, getting closer and closer. I realized I had no escape. So they let themselves in and I accepted it. I assume more than one day had magically passed because no one found the bodies in the laundry room and had freaked out or anything, instead large amounts of my step fathers family gathered in the backyard. When this happened I turned back to my current age, 19. They were all mourning over an older woman's death and a girl that was about my age. As I walked out into the backyard to go see everyone I again felt this guilty feeling. I was planning on casually walking outside then going out through the back gate and fleeing. As I was doing this I realized that I had no where to go. If I ran away I'd be caught and arrested, go to jail. I started crying and thought that I should have died instead. A couple moments later I realized that I had actually done nothing wrong, the other man had shot the woman, the blood was on his hands. I had just tried to save everyone by defending them. I then started to walk back to my house, no one seemed angry or upset at me, instead they asked if I was alright because it had been one of my friends. All the guilt and blame that I felt had been all in my head. I'm not sure if this dream means anything or makes any sense, but it was scary enough for me to wake up. It's currently 4 am and now I can't go back to sleep. This has been happening to me these past two days. Waking up from nightmares. I've never experienced this before. A bit odd I must say.