Date: 3/24/2020
By fieldy
I’m in a small seaside village retuning to my temporary place of residence. I go in a small shop to get a roll and tattie scone. I realise I have left my bad with my wallet somewhere. I imagine having the bag and very quickly someone comes to meet me with it. I leave £1.30 on the counter for my roll and tattie scone. I am on a ferry with David. I am having a conversation with him and things get slightly weird. Even in the dream I realise that the weirdness is the effect of the concept I hold of David, influenced by things J said a long time ago. I realise these are limiting beliefs I hold about him and that he should be free of them, just as I hope to be free of the limiting beliefs I hold about myself. He asks me to show him a trick. I show him the no comply front shuv I learned. The ferry has arrived on the mainland. We have to hurry to get off. One ferry worker is angry at long I’m taking. We shout at each other.