Date: 11/27/2017
By TonezBo
Tbh can remember much about it all I remember is I was in this huge building that was right off the shore of the Ocean almost like the teen titans tower but it wasn’t on an island. There was only one floor and it was all the way at the top. It was pretty weird because it was some type of obstacle course but it also had like playground elements and there were no kids playing on it. There were men in suits walking around but they seemed harmless but there was one thing about this dream that connects to my life yesterday which is that I went to the museum with my sister and seen this weird pathway in the museum and I seen the same pathway in my dream. So maybe this dream was nothing lol. Anyway I went out on this platform that was extending from a big open window in the middle of a lobby on the same floor as the obstacle course. The course was above the lobby. I went out on the platform and looked off to the ocean seen nothing but beauty. Sorry about grammar I’m half asleep but if you have any basic knowledge you should be able to read this just fine have a good day