Meeting old friends at 1975 concert where band members got into a fight with a fan

Date: 8/8/2017

By cronchcronch

I was meeting up with an old friend I used to talk to sophomore year of high school (call him C). We are seniors now but apparently my school had a frat house thing going on and he was living in one of them with another kid (call him E) but it looked haunted. We had ran into each other there because the 1975 were having a concert in the middle of all the sororities and frat houses. While the 1975 were performing they took a break on stage and were talking shit about a boy in the audience with curly hair but their microphones were still on so the audience could hear everything. The curly boy ran up stage and everyone got into a huge fight and idk why security didn't remove him. That's all I remember clearly but I think me & C were dating at some point in the dream or maybe I was just lonely and flirted with him a lot. E never came out of the frat house bc he hates me now irl.