
Date: 1/21/2017

By Jaynie

So I am pansexual and my cousin is also not straight but we were raised in a super Christian family and were always told about how bad gays or anyone not straight were but I wasn't straight so I never told anyone but then one night when I went to sleep. (I was living with my cousin) I awoke to Alex (we'll just call her that) shaking me got up and asked her what she wanted. She said she knows I want to tell her something that I'm afraid to tell others and that I can tell her anything. I started crying and told her that I am pansexual (not in this exact words) she hugged me and whispered dont worry I like girls too. I woke up the next morning and asked Alex why she had to wake me up in the middle of the night so I can tell her that. She responded with "Ummm you woke me up". I was confused because we both had the same dream but neither of us woke up the other