Someone stole my wallet, there were robots and guns and I saw my cousin

Date: 10/11/2021

By Ether_Erebus

Before this, I was in a wear house sale for RW and co I think with Prabhjot and we were looking for clothes. I got thus huge pile of stuff and something went wrong and someone took my cart with all my stuff. Then a sales associate was very upset and I hugged her to comfort her. She wouldn’t let go, so I continued to just awkwardly pat her back and shuffle to the leather jackets section and look there. I got to the cash register and realized I wasn’t going to buy anything and did a pat down of my things (keys wallet phone) and I realized my wallet was missing. I thought I’d dropped it somewhere or someone had taken it. I was really getting scared of how I was going to drive home and etc. I checked my phone and saw someone had spent 46$ on some website for school. I told that girl who was crying earlier and see my wallet popping out of her pocket. And I am LIVID. This entire time she was begging nice and giving fake levels of concern about my missing things and she had it the entire time. I yelled at her, told her I’d kill her - the entire store was quiet. I get up and call the police, and everyone starts freaking out. There’s something wrong going on outside of that wear house. It gets very dark very quickly and there’s like giant robots with guns who have taken hold of the store and we’re all crouching down to make sure we don’t get shot. They open the entrance doors and people start running out. I do too and end up somehow in the only car in the lot that has some protective gear draped over it which doesn’t let bullets through. I start talking and asking the validity of this and Beyoncé’s there and says “get in the car unless you wanna die”. I shut up and just sit there. Once all the cops and robots left, I don’t know how but I got out of the car and I’m sprinting for dear life. My car is no where to be found and there’s something that happened in an alleyway here but I don’t recall. I think someone famous was there. Anyways, I start running again and end up by a Pier that’s connected to some historical fiction place. I end up walking up to the gate and the people there let me and this other girl with me in. They’re wearing really high wigs and playing that rich people golf game with the big ass balls. There’s a time jump and something happened and I don’t remember the entire dream but I walked out of some building into the gym parking lot close to the Tim Hortons trying to find my car. I literally looked at where I parked and there, instead of the car I came with, it was a new silver infinity coup and I had the key. I didn’t understand how but when I clicked the unlock button, I knew right away it was Karanvir’s car. So that meant he was here. I looked into the Tim Hortons window and I saw him, sitting there facing away. It was a night time dream and the lights inside were glowing. I looked back, locked the car and walked my way towards the entrance of Tim’s. When I got inside,‘I got into line to get a coffee and he’d left the table to go to the bathroom. I ordered a coffee and turned around and he was standing there. I was extatique to see him after so long. And then I woke up.