Sleeping with the spiders

Date: 5/19/2020

By xCaligo

For some reason I was in idaho trying to get a spot to rest for the night under this fairly large structure that I somehow knew was for keeping hay dry. It had maybe 3-4 foot high plank walls that were old and falling apart in some places. A wooden skelton supported a masive blue tarp that sagged way too much to really be all that useful. Each rib of the ceiling naturally sectioned off little compartments along the side of the walls. I wasn’t the only one in here, there were only a few sections that weren’t occupied. The majority of the occupants I didn’t know but In one corner I spotted a spot between sam and oakley of all people. I had to crawl over to them because the ceiling was so low, but I was glad to see a familiar face. Sam didn’t say a whole lot he was trying to hunker down in a sleeping bag as it was starting to get dark. Oakley on the other hand couldn’t shut up about the spiders. And thats when I noticed them, there were fair ammount of spiders on the roof of tarp as well as a few on the concrete floor. It weirded me out a bit but I wasn’t really scared of them. I tried to help Oakley by taking a fallen board and propping up the tarp a little bit just so that it wouldn’t sag onto her sleep area. All I really ended up doing was dropping a couple of them in her and I felt bad I ended up just apologizing and going sleep.