Darts with the Boys and Lots of Sex

Date: 12/13/2021

By montyroz

I was playing darts with folks from high school. Somehow I was doing well. Partway through I got tired of playing and hopped in the shower. Molly joined me. We were chatting about the boys and how I only really like Jacob and Blake. After that we were in a s cool cafeteria trying to find a big empty table. In the next dream, I was in a chair bear the deck of a pool having really delicious sex with Evan Deiparine. Couldn't tell ya why. After we parted, I ended up near a bus stop in the woods where I encountered Adam and had really swell sex with him. Afterwards, he was spooked by a car and ran off. Then I stumbled upon Hanna's boyfriend Nate and we had fairly mediocre sex while hidden in the forest.