Snowman's Wrath

Date: 1/24/2018

By ailehpo

This is going to be TL;DR, but was a very interesting dream to me. * * * My younger brother, his friend, and I were playing outside in some fantasy world that looked similar to a savannah. I was climbing a really big tree with outspread branches and big spherical bulbs hanging from it like fruit or seeds. I had just climbed to the end of a really big branch when my brother and his friend yelled "SNOWSTORM!" Mind you, the area we were in was not at all snowy or cold, and was even warm and arid. Nevertheless, we started running and got to this large garage (or small warehouse) and ran inside. The snowstorm was strong by this point and it was hard to see. In the garage, there was a series of tarps instead of a door, so we started tying them up. They were a little translucent so through the heavy snow outside I could see a shadow of some figure coming up to us. I somehow knew exactly who, or what, it was. It was coming closer and we were freaking out. We didn't close up all the tarps because I failed to tie up some of of them, as the wind outside was blowing in hard. We saw the hand of that figure stick through an opening and soon the whole body followed. What we saw was a tall, frail, zombie-like figure. It looked like a mummy, with visible ribs and bones, and no hair or clothes. For some reason, I called him- no, not a him, an it- Snow Man or Sand Man or something along those lines, but it sounded a lot cooler in my dream. We ran a few feet farther back into the garage and saw another tarp with a zipper for an opening. We unzipped it, all got inside, and zipped it back down. ((Actually, I had woken up before this point, with my brother's friend screaming "the zipper won't open, we need to find another way" and then Snowman got to us. I fell asleep a few seconds later though, so I replayed the scenario. Which is cool, I’ve never had that happen before.)) We ended up in this neighborhood/apartment complex, it was quite nice actually. We ran through it and started banging on doors, but no one answered. I saw the Snow Man following us at a distance. Not even sprinting or anything, just constantly walking towards us. We eventually ran to this door and they opened and we got inside. It was three adults, I think they were a polyamorous couple or something, and their child of around 3 years old. They were actually a super sweet family. We explained the situation to them and one of the adults was like “hey, you should use my computer to look up how to thwart this thing.” And so we looked it up and I honestly don’t remember what the answer was. Suddenly, something started banging at the door. Snow Man. The parents told us that there was a secret door at the back of their closet that we could all use to escape, but it wasn’t opening. My brother and I kept trying to pry it open, and the banging was getting louder and louder. At this point I realized I was dreaming and could always escape by waking up. But I knew that if I woke up, Snow Man would get to this family and they would die as I wouldn’t be there to protect them from this situation I dragged them into. And you know what I did? I woke up. Instantly, I mentally-slapped my dream self for doing that. What an asshole. That innocent polyamorous couple and their baby child is dead now because of me.