paintbrush assassin

Date: 2/24/2018

By dazednconfusd

A couple false awakenings. Interesting crew at the house that was ours but not. There was a few rumblings coming from the backyard. I went to check and saw roller coasters had been built. Dad almost shot a skier(why skier?) with a bow and arrow. He was mad they built illegally and into the bedrock. I decided to take control of the situation and find the architect. I pulled up to a BMW and hopped in, forcing the crew in the car to take me to him. The arrow turned into a deadly metal paintbrush tube of some sort. We finally arrived and the crew turned on me - one of the women flicked a brush of paint on my back. They marked me by painting blood and I started running as soon as I found out. They got to me and then I woke up. My room was different and I was with the three dogs petting them. Charlie’s friends were all over and we were eating breakfast but I was late for CFS. I looked at my phone that said 10:26. I think it was something different before. There was interesting abstract artwork on the walls - a desert with a blue dentritical structure in the middle made of smoothed painted marble. We also acquired a new older roommate. He was weird and had some other older friends over watching a movie on the couch.