3 Dreams

Date: 3/4/2021

By LaurenTheFierce

I gave my roommate my ID so that she could go get my package. So, she then went and got my package, and handed it over to me after she got back to our dorm. When I asked for my ID back though, she revealed that she’d lost it. (This whole ordeal happened at college, but not irl). ##### Earlier in the dream I was out shopping with a giant group of friends. We stopped at this one food store and didn’t get anything. Then, we went outside and looked at some other food store’s selection. My old best friend, Bella, grabbed a giant bag of popcorn and M&m’s for us all to share. We’d need to go inside the store to actually buy it though. Now inside, we all walked around and checked out the selection. They had a bunch of stuff; especially some gluten free stuff for me to eat. Anyways, I just remember eating a whole bunch of samples; including some lemon squares. They were good. ##### Before all that though, I remember being with the Avengers at one of their buildings. Not the tower. It was a more squarish looking building out in the middle of nowhere Texas; near the borer with Mexico. However, the building was in a more forested area surrounded by tall trees. Regardless, I was there cause I had powers; invisibility, teleportation, and levitation. My superhero name was Specter, and I had a magic staff that I’d gotten from Dr. strange as well. It was called the Spectral Staff, and it allowed me to use my powers on other objects and people. It kind of looked like it was made of clear plastic though. Oh well. As night soon came, I snuck out of the building by using my powers. I then found myself in an ICE detention camp. Looking around, I saw some kids having... a not so good time. So, deciding to do some good, I snuck them out. One of them kind of looked like my sister too. It was weird. Anyways, so now back at the Avengers building, Bella shows up to help me out with the kids. Actually, I think they become the giant friend group that we take with us to the store mentioned previously. That’s all I remember except for a few other things. I remember seeing this kid named Richie, that I remembered from high school. He showed up in the forest at one point. Then, I remember trying to use my staff to create a illusion, but that’s not one of my powers, and so my staff kinda set itself on fire at the top.