Mud girls and busted pipes

Date: 10/3/2024

By myme

I am at my house and there is this other girl there. We are supposed to assemble some sort of air compressor device. I complete the bottom part and i give her the top part to complete. She dumps dry dirt into the tubes. “No, that is not what u were supposed to do.” I told her. “Well i cant help u, i dont understand it.” I decide to take the train to work to try to get the others to help me. As i decide so, the house interior is transformed into the inside of a moving train, with loud clacking and twisting metal noises. It seems like forever and i realize the train is moving in a circle. I make my way thru a maze of shifting people and train furniture (an actual maze) to the conductors booth. The train is continuously trying to observe a series of signs, one directly after the other. I navigate back thru the maze to the diner on the train. The server there fills a large coffee cup with gasoline and passes it to another person, who mounts it onto a shower head while bathing under it while fully clothed. I convince the server to pull the emergency go button, which was right next to the emergency stop button. The diner then separates from the train and heads in a different line, leaving a big hole in the wall behind the server. “This is my stop.” The server says, he pulls out a metal surfboard and jumps onto the tracks. He swims thru the gravel and the surfs along the rails of the track. The train is approaching my stop and i jump off. I land on the platform. I am running thru the woods on the road to my workplace. The trees are black spindles with no leaves and the sky is a sick cloudy yelo. I finally reach my workplace, which is a gothic cathedral complete with metal gargoyles that greet u. I am finally in a board room with some of the other workers. I see compressors made by other students which were at various levels of completion. The manager is trying to give a presentation, but nobody seems to be paying attention. “Thats not how to do it, i know how to do it, follow me and il show u how to do it. I know how to do it faster than him.” This other worker gets me and three other workers to follow him. The group is all males and none of the females follow him. We are leaving thru a hallway when i look up an i notice that this hallway has no roof, and apparently, it is night only in this hallway. The voyager ship descends from this night sky and abducts us. We are on the ship and we are greeted by Belana Torez, who was eerily similar to the engineer on the show, except this one was half romulan and half klingon, and she looked like a werewolf giant in federation gear. We try to get her to fix our broken compressors, but she says that we just arent the people she was looking for, and she lets us off behind our workplace. So we are out in an open field with our broken compressors and the ground is wet even tho it wasnt raining. We are crouched down behind some trees when suddenly, the four trees in front of us disappear. Four of the girls from the workplace form out of a mud puddle in the field of grass and walk towards the road. We approach them. “We learned how to get the compressors to work.” We look down at our broken compressors, and then at their capped, finished compressors. Their cylinders were flashing with different colors. “Our compressors are still broken and it will take more time for us to learn how to fix it.” “Dont worry.” One of the girls says quietly. We head to walk back towards the office when the dream ends. Analysis There are alot of themes here, The house turning into a moving train could indicate the transience of lifestyles The motions of the train in a circle reminds me of the complexity of transit business, it also reminds me of sone biological concepts and logistical nightmares in general. The maze on the train represents the many ‘obstacles’ people have to navigate thru in life. The server in the train represents train merchants, who have to ride the train lines to sell their merchandise. The customer on the train represents the homeless worker, who has to work while homeless, and has to choose between food and fuel. The sick yelo sky could mean futility? The leader student represents a contradiction, but it is not a complete contradiction. People may follow him to find out if he is genuine, but he usually isnt, even when he thinks he is. The night time hallway represents space venture, as another avenue of business. It is always night in space. The voyager ship and Belana represent typical ship and crew, who use vastly different tech compared to us. While they are used to their tech, they arent used to ours, and they dont see a reason to interact with us. By a contrasting example, our workplace is a stationary gothic cathedral. The ground being wet without rain could be a reference to the garden of eden. The girls forming themselves out of mud is the most advanced trope, it symbolizes the transcendence of the human condition. It could indicate that they used the knowledge they gained from living on earth to evolve into a sublime being. In african legends, the african gods from thousands of years ago formed the first men from mud. This could translate to first man not even being a homonid at all, or maybe these gods caused those homonids to evolve into sublime beings. Either that, or those girls wernt the same girls from the office. In this case, an ancient people may return to us. They may be here already. What do u think? Comment.