Date: 6/18/2019
By kbutler
Dreamed that I was in a hotel and I was starving so starving so I went out in the rain with a werid make shift umbrella. I wandered around to fast food places before the rain in the storm got to be too much. Found this old foreign lady’s home. She has one child and a husband and his uncle there. She listened to much story. I gonin and there are little tables and painted pottery. She asks me if I can just so I could see a “harem” of a lot of foreign people there (thinking I’m ignorant to her culture) but instead I say I’m here for good. She takes me to the kitchen and gets me their left over food and gives it to me and listen to my sob story. The whole time in my head I know that I’m not poor and I can but my own food but I kinda scam her anyway. She tells me she learns French so that other men ever if her fam don’t know what she’s saying. She’s a really sweet old lady, and I feel bad after taking the food and leaving