Date: 5/13/2019
By gstpsk
I am at a skydiving place. I am wearing a parachute but its not strapped to my body. I just run towards a cliff and jump off. I start falling down but its a pretty high cliff so i have time. I think to myself why would i jump of a cliff like that. I would only do that in dreams. Then I realized. It was a dream! I stopped myzelf mid-air and spawned a kind of balloon i could hang on too. I looked behind me and my friend was there. I am like holy fuck im having a lucid dream. And he responds “Yeah, so cool!”. My friend and I are now in a theme park ride through the city. I remember to rub my hands together and I could really feel my hands touching like it was real life. We get out of the cart and I lose a bit of grip on the dream. We are in a small room without a roof next to the theme park ride. There are a couple people there: Me, my friend, my parents and two random dudes. There are four pillows and they needed to be alligned with the room floor so they fit perfectly. I woke up after this.