Is that afterdeath? (White hall)

Date: 6/14/2018

By BlackyyIzatu

The dream started with me facing off Asgore from a game called Undertale, but instead of standing near barrier we were in a weird place that reminded The Waterfall but the tileset was brown instead of black and blue. He was saying some things to me, what's even more weird is that he had sound effects that had voice (like only Flowey and Mettaton EX have in the actual game). When he told me to follow him, I did. We ended up by some kind of slope except Asgore was laying down like he was injured, when I pushed him up some weird black shadow tentacles started coming after us and a bright white hole appeared one the slope, so we jumped into it. We ended up in a white hall full of tables, at first there wasn't anyone there, Asgore got up like nothing ever happened. A moment later a girl (catgirl to be precise) came up to us and greeted us, she told us that we both died and this is the place where dead people go. After that she went on to her duty of cooking meals for everyone with her co-workers (which were catgirls as well). When Asgore decided to wait for the meal I started looking around and inspecting the place, soon after, real people and fictional characters started coming out from the kitchens (yes there were like 6 kitchens, all of them along the same wall). I came to one of the kitchens to check out what was going on and saw that they were coming out of some weird space-bending "portals" on the walls, I decided to go into wan of them but there was someone standing right in front of me on the other side. It was IA (the Vocaloid) I started crying out of joy and hugged her like she was someone I knew and cared deeply about. We talked for a while and at the end I said "Live long" for some reason (still with tears in my eyes). I went back to the main hall which was now full of people, I looked for Asgore but all of the seats by his table were already taken, so I sat at the next table, there was someone else I knew sitting there but he/she wasn't saying anything so I ignored them. And this is where the dream ends...