Date: 9/3/2018

By XxDreamQueenxX

My dream first started in a college area and the girl was sitting on a seating/stairway area. She just started talking to all these girls and made friends (she was so weird & awkward xD). The look on the girls face gave it off that she liked the guy who sat at the end of the stairway all alone. Okay so the boy just didn't talk at all so she started tryna talk to him he didn't say ANYTHING.....After that my dream just showed me sorta like a party and the girl was WASTED... Her friends were holding her and just carrying her, the next flash showed me they were gone.Then she was in front of the mysterious guy and his girlfriend I think. They were sitting down talking to each other with drinks in hand. ⚠️Warning⚠️ The next part showed her taking his #@%¶ out..... The girlfriend sat there and did nothing EYES WIDE. The guy had his eyes wide but did nothing. Then for a while the girl was just F#$kin him. The girl kept her same face (the boy was blushing). Then a flash of the girlfriend and boyfriend arguing and throwing stuff in a dorm type area. Then I remember the girlfriend said "It's okay" then left. Then I woke up... Y'all think the girl got the man??? idk my dream ended also I think the girlfriend ain't a girlfriend no longer.