Date: 1/25/2020
By belliethestout
In an Ikea-like place, I enter the elite area (which is like a stationary store) by means of accompanying an elite person because I don't have a pass. We become friends and she tells my fortune using some stationary and a clock. It was insignificant and boring; I don't remember the fortune itself. I think I did something to piss my new friends off, though, because she left me alone after that. I managed to anger a few guys, who chased me from the facility by a pool to a road, where I was knocked over and dropped my phone. It broke and I was devastated. (At this point it is important to know that the day before was my birthday and I had just received a new phone from my parents after recently breaking an old one. However, they told me that it was the last phone that they'd buy me; if I broke that one, I would have to buy a replacement on my own.) I spent a bit of time being in pain (my arm had gotten run over by a passing car as I was laying in the middle of the road). I get up and am given the quest that I have to save some people from the tower (it's in the middle of a redwood forest--similar to those in CA, lots of nature). I climb the endless stairs on the inside of the tower and eventually confront the guardian, who looks like a gnome. He is helpful and offers to get them out if he can come with me. While we are escaping, the tower crumbles, but we all make it out okay. I report some people who were in charge of thwarting us, and they get just punishment. I spend the last moments of my dream lamenting the loss of my new phone. When I woke up, I was relieved to realized that my phone had not broken after all.