why did my brain give me the continuation of this dream

Date: 11/9/2017

By vileplume

1. im in my living room and i mustve woke up from taking a nap on the couch (this is part of the dream. im not actually awake) i sit up and im looking at my phone which is blocking the open doorway leading to our dining room. im sure the phone mustve been a camera app but i move the phone down and i see an all black figure standing in the doorway and it creeped me out and i try to wake myself up im downstairs on our couch with my sister and dad telling them about the dream (this is still in the dream. i havent woken up) my dad recommends me to go to some dream place he went to before about seeing those black figures in dreams because the dream place was supposed to help you get them to not show up. im in some weird old looking wooden building with other people in a group. some of them start to leave and go someplace else and im stuck with the few other people that stayed and i get kinda scared about if the black shadowy figure shows up. 2. kinda forgot the beginning of this(?) im in a bus like thing with other ppl and i think we were gonna go to a store (and also im holding some special version of a cinderella dvd case for some reason). we are on the street where our grandma and grandpas old house was which is also right across from a big field with a school. my grandpa is driving and we pull out of the driveway. we make it a little down the street before we hit a small bump or something and my grandpa falls out of his seat and lands his butt on the floor and i worried it hurt his back. someone (probably my grandma) started to help him but i leave the bus and somehow the bus magically flips over and im on the sidewalk holding the bus upright to make it not tip/help the people inside. everyone leaves the bus and starts walking on the field. i start walking/running too and somehow get caught up with this creepy old guy who looks to be about 50+ trying to get ahold of me and i keep trying to push him away while not wanting to touch him because i thought he looked horrible/gross. 3. (this is a second part from a first part dream i had like. a long while ago idek and i forgot about it. in the first part there was a plan to get rid of the bad guys except i kinda forgot every detail of the plan in this part) im in my horrible looking (compared to other peoples dorms i passed/saw. though other dorms looked dark and messy too) dorm place room. the main door had this wooden flight of stairs in the room you need to use to get through the door. the room had pink walls and a bed. also i think mightve had a bathroom attached to it. had a table/counter in the room. couldve been lit better because it was dark at first. im in a corner of my room and see the Bad guys start entering so i go through the "secret" door (which was right beside me out in the open so it wasnt so secret. it was secret because we (me and someone else?) built it for the plan) through the door it had a bunch of stairs i needed to skip over and go through. i needed to fall down the middle of the stairs (which were set up in that high circular tower like way except it was square) it was a lot of flights and seemed to be slow/take a while to land on the bottom floor so the scene changed. im now in the same room with the bad guys (there were 3 of them i think) except now im "part" of them. according to one we were in an invisible wall room and he could tell by the way the lights shined on the floor. except i walked and didnt smack into anything. i entered a little room which had pictures and notes/messages (for buying time for the person executing the plan) there was an area that led down which im sure they/we were supposed to go but no one seemed to want to do that. me and another guy went to a small staircase room which had pikachu picking up and putting on a small backpack and the other guy paid about no attention to the pikachu after. i knew this pikachu was part of the plan already but that wasnt really how this plan was supposed to go. the guy kinda starts looking out the window but i try to make him notice something else because i didnt want him to notice the planks pikachu used to get from roof to roof (in a memory from the first part dream) thats about it for that somewhere before or after that i was in someone elses dorm which was tidier than others and i thought looked nice. in the main little room they had their computer deck set up and a bunch of things. in an area attached there was their double bed and some more things. i got worried they were gonna see me in their room so i left 4. im in a mall and i just enter someones group(?) because i went walking behind some girls and next to some guy but also my dad was at the front. we went into a big tommy hilfiger store and i found some nice overalls and looked for my size and went to try them on. i went looking for a change room but the hall thing just had those dorms and even my horrible one with the stairs leading in so i left that and just ended up in a change room with a mirror. i thought the jeans/overalls looked nice. i walked out of the change room and stuff blah blah and i woke up