Date: 6/25/2023
By LaurenTheFierce
I’m to lazy to write everything down in detail, so here’s the gist: -Back in track & field -I’m way more strong and athletic -Anyways, we in the weight room -I climb a storage self in front of everyone -Coach is impressed -It’s like he actually likes me this time -Gives me my own diet plan lmao -Now outside in the field -I get my hands on some rope -Feels more like a shoelace tho tbh -I go up to a horse? -Horse kneels down for me -Let’s me bridle it with the rope -We ride! -Suddenly I’m in a stable -I’m taking care of the horse -We ride again! -I see my man! -It’s not my man tho… -It’s his identical twin? -He’s hitting on me 💀 -It’s weird lol -Change of scenery! -I’m in south Florida riding in a car -Talking with the lady driving -She mentions hurricanes -Now we’re at the airport -Plane is floating above us -Pushes a shit ton of air down -We’re forced backwards down ramp -Ramp collapses 😟 -Everyone else besides me dies -I was saved by the yellow Power Ranger -Because I’m the pink Power Ranger? -I then run away… 🤷♀️