Emma was babysitting Jack in California

Date: 12/15/2017

By kkthedreamer

(dreamt this while I was home sick and took a 7 hour nap lol) So Jack was in California again and Emma had to babysit him (bc flying across the country to babysit is soo convenient!) and for some reason Jilly and I went with her. We went alone and Kim's house was like this small white house in a classic neighborhood surrounded by palm trees. Then all of a sudden we were on this luxurious cruise ship that might have been on the coast of Cali since we were just there, but the water looked like Caribbean water. The ship was stopped and there were like these mini slides at the end. Jilly and I went in line to go on them. There were different kinds apparently we had been there before and I nearly drowned on one of them when I was younger. I told Jilly that i was scared but I went on it anyway.