Dreamed of getting married to a girl

Date: 5/7/2018

By jameslecong

Dreamed of getting married to a girl First I somehow picked up a girl, and then we decided to get married really soon after that. Then I went to some sort of a church to say their oath or sthg but without her, just individuals there. Like they needed to speak of their responsibility or sthg. There was a sheet of info to read from, like cpl's responsibility and sex positions... Then I realized a couple I knew that took years to get married, but both of us just took hours(?). Then I went to a night market with her, and bought her ice-cream because it seemed like the right thing to do. She chose some clothes... The next morning, I as a third person walked up the stairs to 3 couples, including me, and 2 male friends, arguing. (I can see myself). Then I was asked by one of those 2 friends to take out the trash and I did. When I came up, they all sat down to play boardgame but are still shouting at each other. I then tried to sit on the left of my "wife" with the other me on her right. Then I woke up, terrified.