Date: 6/15/2019
By owenminaj
(Night before I smoked weed) (I don’t know where the dream started just remember this very vivid part) I was a late night and I was riding my bike, there was a lot of traffic and I was on the side walk. Somehow I met up with a girl and she looked way younger then me. She just about 5 foot. Look and sounded like a child. I wanted to buy juul pods and so i went into a gas station called Exxon. It didn’t look much like a gas station more like a warehouse. The juul pods and tobacco products are usually behind the counter but in this dream they were in the from on a sunglasses rack. I tried to buy them but they asked for ID and I didn’t have any. So the girl bought them for me and they let her buy them. (Dream ends here) *wakes up in confusion*