Date: 9/21/2016
By littledreams
can't remember the exact plot of the dream, but I do remember Michael Clifford sitting on a barstool looking hot as hell with a guitar and a full head of luscious blond hair. Yum. Also, in a complete separate event from the Clifford appearance (maybe a different dream), babe #2 appeared. The lovely James Franco. He was awfully close to me, looking at me while holding something up cutely to hide half his face. Maybe offering it to me? And he might've been wearing a beanie. he looked cute either way. Wish I remembered the plot because they must've been really interesting, and everything would probably make more sense if I did. In all honesty, I wanted to record this dream because two of the hottest tamales on this very planet appeared in it and I want to remember that moment, basking in their glory.