A.I. Island 🏚

Date: 6/6/2018

By brookethegreat

I was on the island where the Brazil Olympics had taken place (I know it wasn't an island irl). It was abandoned and run down. Although it really wasn't that abandoned! There was a clean up crew in orange t shirts, a flourishing gay nightlife scene, me, and a guy who was testing out Westworld bots. I was supposed to be helping with the robots somehow. He was using them to track someone or something? Maybe the tracking was just a test, because it didn't seem like he was in need of the info. He already had a good handle on who was where on the island. The robot was gross. He was missing his skin and he started decomposing later on in the dream. Early on, I was following him around. And there was a third member of our party who was small like a pet. I'm remembering him as Teddy from A.I. but idk if it was like that or not. Later on after we had split and I was walking around with the programmer, we found the two of them dancing in the woods and the bot looked fully gross. He was all melty. It was still kind of a pleasant scene though. He wasn't in pain or anything, and he was having fun dancing. He had an antenna shaped like an exclamation point. The programmer couldn't decide where to put it, so the bot just had to carry it around. The programmer made a crack at one point that it would be easy to track the nightclub guys if he put the antenna on the crotch. It wasn't a funny joke, but I was amused because it was the closest thing to funny that he had ever said.