Date: 1/4/2017
By headFeed
Im in some warehouse and its pretty spooky, we keep finding animal body parts in corners and stuff. like a birds foot or a mouses ear. i reach my hand into a curtain to open it but i feel a cat behind it and stop. i realize all the jars on the warehouse shelves have animals inside of it, humans too. im standing with hannibal and this old man shows up in defence telling us to leave but i introduce him to hannibal and he is then interested. we sit at a dining table and begin to talk. suddenly i feel a powerful force to my side and im being pulled violently to the left, im holding onto my chair with my life. everything is black. i end up in some bedroom. my online friend troy is sitting there, and he just wanted to talk to me about some game. later im playing animal crossing. it has a very different warm vibe to it with new things added. my bf plays the demo version thats just you walking around in some warm colored flowers meeting villagers and other people playing. its very hd but stylized. A group of furries (not fursuiters actual furries, very variant) like highschoolers? are in a theater, one aligator girl and i think a rabbit guy kiss and part ways to watch different movies because the guy wanted to watch some shirtty movie unironically with his friends. theres some growling in the shadows as him and his smaller animal friends sit down as the movie starts. suddenly theyre in a fenced up farm faaaar away all dried up and skinny. they try to escape but the person who enslaved them? shoot but keep missing. two escape for sure, im not sure if they all did. but two did and theres a view of a harbor down the hill pretty far away. turns out that the theater was drugging the smaller movie goers in the rooms with less than 10 guests. the growl in the shadows were the ones who dragged them out. im at some village and these sand dunes had these crates slide down them indicating that we were being raided. a large flying thing flies above me and i run home to collect gas??? i grab a container and start filling but it looks like water. i tell this lady that if her boat starts sinking, leave the gas containers. i go home to pack and these muscular guys are shooting at things but theyre like, having fun laughing like bad acting kind of laughing during a serious movie shoot. later im in some mobile home and were driving away, some music is playing so i hum along (i mightve been humming in real life as i was sleeping? it felt way too real.)