Thought forms disappear

Date: 11/1/2020

By lazylucid

Just woke up from a nap. Intended to lucid dream. Had a lucid dream start and wasn't aware. I don't remember what made me become aware. I just suddenly knew that I was dreaming. I sit up on my dream bed and see that there are 3 chairs next to my window. The window is lower than waking life and soft twilight is coming through it. It's dark in my room but there's light coming through the window. I take a look outside and when I put my head through the window there's a different scene on the outside; the window is open. A dog runs up to the window and right up to me. I don't know what kind of dog this is but it licks my hand. Outside there are houses kind of lined up in a cul de saq. There are spaces in between each house. There are reddish leaves on the floor and I think a garbage truck was going by to pick up garbage. I focus on my hands to stabilize the dream, this works. I contemplate on one of my dream goals: thought forms disappear. When I say this, everything turns black. Not what I was expecting but I knew what could happen. Next I ask for the dream to show me something I needed to see: a red telephone booth comes out of the sky and down right in front of me. The kind that Superman used to get changed in or the kind that Dr. Who used to use. I think I'm supposed to answer it but before I can, the dream ends.