Haunted mansion

Date: 3/2/2020

By smithskyler53114

Me and my best friend decided to go to this abandoned haunted mansion and go exploring and see if there’s anything cool in there. So we were looking around and found a room with a old tv on a stand and one chair, and in one corner of this huge room the wall looked like it was coming off and had something behind it. My friend immediately started pulling on the wall and I told him to stop but it was coming off so easily so he did it so quick. I run over to see what’s behind this wall and it was a full on room, no doors were in the room, just a sealed up room, which we now opened. My friend starts to gasp and was saying “ this Is the secret room I read about and a lady died in here! I can’t believe we found it!” We were about to go in and check it out bc it had more things in it too see, right before stepping in the door to the other room we were in, slammed shut. And we both looked at each other in fear we realized we let out some demons or angry poltergeist when we tore the wall down. We run out the room all these doors, cabinets, drawers were slamming shut. WE WERE TERRIFIED. This thing did not want us there. So after going back for our things we forgot in the room, still terrified, and my stuff was near the old tv and I bend down to pick it up and the tv turns on, with no cord in the wall, nothing, there’s no way it could have turned on. We got so scared we went outside and stayed there until we got picked up.