Date: 12/26/2019
By BollyMeth33
All I remember is being in this big building and me and this guy were running through it, trying to escape from someone. We went through this same door at least seven times. I remember because you had to do certain things to get it open. You had to open one door to reveal a second door, press on the lock (like the sign said) and I'm pretty sure it froze time while you got it opened. I was thankful for that part because a man, I'm pretty sure, was behind us. I don't know if he was trying to hurt us, but I knew it would be bad if he caught us. I'm pretty sure it was the same dream when I climbed on a train. It was really nice with white, stadium benches and it felt very futuristic. There were people on the train I knew I'm pretty sure because I remember having conversations with them. That's all I remember. The end.