Save The Frogs

Date: 8/3/2018

By irateindian

There was a top secret experiment going on involving inhumane experiments on frogs. A team of about 7 nerdy activists with no experience with heists decided in secret to break the frogs out, but for some reason the only time they were able to stage the breakout was right as the frogs were being picked up by the organization at the warehouse. The group was hiding out behind the warehouse but just before the truck was about to arrive, they realized there was something blocking their way. They sent one of their members, who was an all-rounder, to clear the stuff out of the way. He was able to look inside the crate of frogs and see exactly where to go. When the warehouse door started to open, all the members got up and made for the box. They dove in, and the all rounder guy emerged with a single frog in a cage. He managed to crawl out on time and take refuge beind the wall, as the plan said, but the others did not make it on time and got arrested. The guy escaped with one frog and was glad he at least managed to rescue one. From a distance, he watched as his colleagues were hauled away in a dark vehicle with their fates ambiguous. He personally raised the frog with the help of his wife and after a few days secretly hired the best lawyer he could afford to get his colleagues' sentences reduced to 5 years. Not all the frogs were saved, but not all was lost either.