The one where I tell someone to fk off (nicely) and go to a restaurant after lmao

Date: 2/13/2022

By Ether_Erebus

I remember bits and pieces. Somehow, I’m at my house and I’m with Saurabh, a white guy and daman and Bali and the Rock. We’re walking around and I’m trying to get rid of the white guy because he’s really annoying. He keeps inviting himself into the places we go to be with us. We’re on this staircase make of worsen planks and everyone is going to the top and the white guy comes in after and he goes to the top and I stop half way and go back down. He follows me back down and I just tell him to his face he’s annoying and I don’t want him around because he doesn’t get the hint. It sounds really crass but it’s true. He gets it and leaves after I tell him I don’t like him that way. I honestly don’t feel bad. Something happened at the house (daman and I were sitting at the top of the stairs landing at home and had patches of cloth all around us doing something). And then somehow the scene changed and we’re at a really fancy restaurant and we’re all there for food and hanging out. We get there and Jennifer (from the thesis course) tells me to come with her and the restaurant is in a mall. We go to a random store and start picking out higher ended fashion and elegant clothing for me and we come back to the restaurant to have food. I think this was a group date kind of situation so it’s really weird. I also saw Pinder walking around with a girl and I was like, “oh hey, what a small world” but I didn’t go to say hi. Then something else happened but I don’t remember. I woke up.