
Date: 5/31/2019

By Stiyona

I woke up. Ive just downloaded the "Tinder" app (ugh, yes, I know, but I'm a hopeless romantic). In this dream I think I invited a girl over to chat and hang out? Weird stuff happened... A little vague now. Then somehow my father told me my dog, Gaboo, had died. Somehow I understood it to be my own fault... I buried Gaboo in a dirt spot in the basement it seems where some hole was being dug. After a while I got pissed that the girl I invited over was spending less time with me and more with my cousin. I stormed out after blowing up, threw something. They came to the basement where I was. Rusty was planning to dig up Gaboo and try to use it as Ammunition to Slander me, and steal my girl. He does - gaboos body is awful to look at - I just tell him to not be disrespectful to the dead. Nobody cares or I knows it was me. (this second dream has narration between dream me and... Someone else.) Then, I was somewhere else. A place I had been before in another dream, a very very strange place, filled with sand, surrounded by trees with rocky plateaus and water vents in a large clearing like area. Very out of place. In this area there's an underground cave. I was there. I understood that someone was about to do something very evil, creating a new technology to essentially destroy the world and all of human civilization. It had to do with my own theories of electromagnetism, but I thought the device was a kind of airplane that morphed into a mech suit (think NIeR: Automota). For some reason there was a billboard in the huge cave. I hid on it as I saw the mech suit come in. I waved to get its attention and ensue the battle. He saw me, shot a missile at me, Then I looked down at an open book I had in my hand, put my palm on a page and said "slow time" and closed the book. Time slowed... The missile moved slow enough to where I could easily avoid it. Then I realized I couldn't go up against a mech suit in a flesh suit... I didn't try to fight, just hid, he fled further into the caves to prepare for the apocalypse. I sat on the billboard waiting for him, continuing to read the book with some interest. As he walks out, I grab his attention again with a wave of my arms. I see now the mech suit is operated by a dog. A very angry one at that. He shoots a missile at me, I slow time and climb down to Avoid it, but quickly realized I needed a better plan than that. I climbed back up the other side of the billboard and caught the missile in mid air. At this point I noticed the mech suit running to where I climbed up - so I dropped down and plopped the missile in its face while it - stole my wallet?? I get away, the missile explodes and knocks the entire mech suit onto its back. (at this point I exclaimed success to The Other and told him I had completed what I came here to do. He told me to leave) I run to it while it's recuperating and grab my wallet from its hands and head for the way out. ("yes! Got it") As I do so.. Something very very strange happens. The dream starts to break down, in the weirdest way I've ever seen it do so - I crawled backwards to the door while the surface of the world disappeared around me, folded in on itself, bubbled away, disappeared, melted away, etc. It was like taking too much acid. ("uhm, something strange is happening... It's starting to fall apart... Yep, I think I'm about to be bombed...") Then a strange, strange picture... Two identical men on a double decker rocking chair, rocking back and forth casually with maniacal looks on their faces. Everything was red. A subtitle said "The Director kept me in suspense). It zoomed in and shook like a "triggered" meme, I saw something that said "error: technical difficulties" Then I woke up.