hostage in a hotel

Date: 6/22/2021

By ardipithecus

i was at a hotel and everything was pretty normal besides the fact that i could fly. im minding my business flying around and in my head if i fly high enough nobody will see me flying. in my dream this was true so i continued to do that. i was following my sister around and we were about to go outside when the doors locked. we got confused so we tried to find a different exit. none of them worked. we found two of our friends in the same hotel and they told us we were locked inside and only few were allowed to leave. we panicked so we found a lady and took her car keys because there was a garage under the hotel and we figured if you had a car here you could leave with a code. i grabbed the keys but two of our friends had already taken the elevator down and decided not to wait for my sister and i. that was annoying but i didnt think much of it at the time. my sister and i took a different elevator down but it wasnt working, itd go down a little and stop and then go back up. we ran to the elevator our friends took and the elevator continued to do the same thing. then i got a text on my phone telling me to do things, if i didnt we would regret it. i complied as much as possible so i could come up with a plan. the elevator took us to a floor that lead to a hotel room. we went inside and my sister laid on the bed and the number continued to text me. i don’t remember the details of the texts but eventually the person said we had to battle or something like tht in order for us to leave we had to win. the battle took place on nintendo switch lol. the game was sort of like super smash except the game was in third person. i was doing great i won the first round. although i was getting worried that this was all part of their plan. then i received a text from my best friend lauren who was not being held captive. then it clicked that i could tell her im held hostage and to send the police. as i started replying to her text a huge BANG noise woke me up. thank god cuz tht shit was eerie and i couldnt even fly anymore like wtf.