Family meal disappointment

Date: 4/9/2022

By lauriemae

I was with my dad, grandma, and uncle. We went to a nearby restaurant for a quick bite. We rode bicycles there. It was a place my uncle would frequent. I just got a white chocolate mocha. When I paid for the mocha, I somehow ended up with more cash than I started with. I thought I might have accidentally grabbed some of the server's money, either tips, or someone else's payment. I asked her, but she said no money was missing. so I just kept it thinking it was my lucky day.Somehow that one mocha filled up my punch card, so while they were making it, the server told me to take it to the manager. The manager gave me a ticket for free coat check. I went back to our table and my uncle wanted it so I gave it to him. The coffee was too hot to drink and I didn't have a cup holder on my bike. They were talking about going to another place after this. I felt like I was slower than them, so I told them I was going to get a head start and meet them there. And if they could bring my coffee. I REALLY wanted that mocha. They all said ok, so I went. I get to my destination, I believe it was a movie theater with some stores around. I get there and wait quite a while but they never came. I had my phone with me because I used GPS, but for some reason, I didn't think to call them. So after waiting for a real long time, I decided to go back and see if they were at the restaurant still. On the way back, my bike was being difficult to ride. The peddles kept moving and the front steering and tire were off, so it made it hard and frustrating to ride. I get back and just dump the bike over near the restaurant and they were all still there. So I was upset. But I thought, at least I have my coffee. So I go back to the table and get my coffee which is pretty much empty now. My family kept insisting that I drank it and that made me even more irritated. I tried to explain that there was no way I drank it because it was too hot when I got it and left shortly after getting it. At this point I didn't even want to talk to them, so I went to the bar area and was venting to a bartender. She pulled out $5 of her own money so I could get a new coffee. So I go get another coffee. Then I tell my family that I was done with the broken bike they gave me to ride and I was going to walk back to the house and they could figure out getting the bike back to the house. The only other thing I remember is my grandma telling my dad that she knew I was upset, but they would fix it with cake.