🦀🏫💀Alien Crab, School Theft, Dating, and Murder of a Cheerleader

Date: 10/2/2020

By peachkeedi

I was walking in a big building and there was a giant crab-like creature that I assumed to be an alien. It was almost my size, and it was dead. I wanted to investigate it so I got a closer look. The eyes/feelers were facing in and I pointed them back out. It looked frozen in time, but I knew it was dead. The the dream changed. I was at an abandoned Disney Land with my sister Bri. We saw a ride that had 2 seats across from each other on each row, and went in circles while on a giant rotating circle vertically. We both wanted to get on, so naturally we took off our shoes and socks and jackets and set them below the ride. The ride wasn't functional so we just sat there while our family told us we had to go. We didn't want to leave. Then the dream changed. I was in a school walking to class. I entered a classroom with a 7/11 in it. Tom from parks and rec was in my class and wanted to be my new boyfriend. I resisted. The next day I had the same class. I decided he could date me if he didn't say he loved me. When I got there, he was now dating my old schoolmate Nichole. She was sitting on his lap. I was annoyed but not upset. The manager running the 7/11 had to leave for a minute and told us "Danny is in charge". My old friend Danny was behind the counter and asked what we wanted. We all decided that since the owner guy left, we should just Rob him. We all jumped behind the counter and took all his candy and snacks. I felt bad because I liked Danny, so I only took a box of popcorn. He let me have it. Then once everyone ran off, Danny offered to walk me to my next class. He flirted with me, and when we said goodbye, he grabbed my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. It came out of nowhere and felt real. I smiled at him as he left. After class, I was going to find my two cheerleader friends, Brooke and Heidi. The coach told me the pep rally ended and they needed an hour to clean up. Then I saw the rest of the dream from her perspective: The coach walked down the stairs and a girl named Heidi was approaching her with something behind her back. She got close and pulled out a head of a woman and set it next to her on the ground. She said it wasn't her who did it. Coach looked shocked, as if she recognized the severed head. Then my sister (who's now named Brooke) walked up smiling and covered in blood. She said it was necessary and if they cleaned up quick, no one would ever know because the girl was transferring to another school anyway. She said something about how she was a rival of the bobcats (school mascot) and had to be taken down. The coach was trying to decide what to do, and taking too long to answer which annoyed her, Bri/Brooke snapped her neck. The rest of the team decided it would end in death if they got on her bad side, so they all started to clean up the mess and follow Bro/Brooke's orders. Then I woke up.