Ghosts Suck

Date: 5/5/2019

By Allforwhat

Basic Breakdown: I was at a party of some sort where I had some powers as a medium. I was trying to convince others that being a medium wasn’t inherently evil and that this field should be explored. Coming from a Christian background, mediums and any sort of “black magic” is bad regardless. The dream would usually progress as me successfully getting some smaller animal spirits to be acknowledged, but then I’d go over my head and get possessed or have to combat a malicious spirit. The variations of the dream would repeat whenever I died or completed a specific task. The setting and scenarios would change, but the rules behind spirits were constant. What I learned was that there were three classification of spirits. We had symbols who were more a representation of an aspect and would usually have the appearance of characters from movies and games. Then we had basic spirits which were generally more pet like and small and usually took the forms of fantastical beasts. Then we had possessors which usually were influenced by people who were already dead. They were more of an incomplete copy of that person. They could also possess people and have varying influence of their actions. They were also impossible to detect until expelled from a host. So I died a lot, watched people die, got possessed, and killed some ghosts. The final scenarios focused around the idea of expelling the spirits at a party I was going to. After at least 15 iterations, I had almost completely cleared the mansion. It finally ended by me getting shanked by my mother who was possessed and the last spirit I missed.