
Date: 7/13/2018

By JaneWest

The world had a war earlier, years and years before. An atomic war, where some buildings survived and others not so much. Animals either went extinct or thrived. New species were born , weather was different, everything changed. Some humans survived. It was the dead in the night when for some reason I needed to search for a mother whale. They liked salted chips. I was in a building swimming in a dark, damp wet old office building while heading for the ducts, hearing one lived here. I followed a trail of single chips and a friendly baby whale to a larger room up, with some space at the top to breathe, glass windows open here up high on the high ceiling. The whale told me about the workd, saying some creatures such as herself grew larger, others more dangerous, some smaller. She told me electricity still ran in the city, running and working street lights and the sewers functioned. Cars, those not rusted still functioned fine, some even having gas still. I swam back outside to the cold refreshing night, stepoing into the ankle deep water. The street light ahead glowed golden onto the watee, showing the plankton and algae thriving at the bottom As I waded in it barefoot, I noticed it felt much like a fuzzy mat, very mossy texture. I met him and someone eqlse I dont remember, just wandering under the lights in the parkinglot we were in. We leaned against a white rusting cadillac, watching a tiny scorpian like creature wade by. A giant jaguar slinked by and an extra tiny yellow turtle swam around. We huddled close just in awe at the sight of the new world.