The Sun

Date: 4/8/2020

By crystalsisi

I was running down an alley and the day kept turning into night, very quickly. I would pass openings into the alley that allowed light to flood in between the buildings. But once I passed it, it was night. Everything around me would change in the alley. People turned into monsters and demons as soon as the sun hit them, then would turn back into people in the shadows, or dark, or night or whatever it was. It was weird. So the second time around, I was running with this guy and it was like a repeated thing, we kept ending up running through this alley and ending up at a house. It was night time by the time we got there and the sun was rising, so the guy was trying to get into this house but we couldn't get the key out of the lock (there was a combination that you had to unlock and the key would fall out) and we couldn't get it. So the guy was ready to give up, the sun was rising. So he stood there and he just told me to give up, it's okay and that we tried our best. So I felt okay with dying as long as we would die together because I didnt wanna die alone, and so I held his hand and the sun started rising and burning our legs, and then slowly the rest of our body. But then I freaked out and went back to the lock and said we could get it! So the sun was still hitting us so we were still burning, our body would go up like how cinders do in a fire that float in the air. I kept messing with it and the lock actually broke, and we made it into the house which was dark on the inside. There were other people in there and we shut the door behind us and was talking to them. There was maybe a brief moment of pause. Then we had to go into another house and just had to be there for whatever reason that I can't remember, and the demons from the alley earlier were in there and I had to kill them all. So finally I ended up killing the last one of the night. It was small, and I had some sort of weapon in hand, and a companion was now small and barely there but he must have been holding onto this demon and trapping him on the weapon. I think I weapon was specifically made to help kill demons, because I remember the demon being at the end of it, stuck on it, and me holding up and screaming "thank you!" To the companion. They both died, and an engraved picture of the demon had appeared on the wall. I believe it was every demon you killed would end up engraved on the wall or ceiling, to trap them there in the house. I remember staring at it and saying "we have to do this again tomorrow but that's it for tonight" Then I woke up.