
Date: 1/4/2017

By teerific

Rinworld was back, WoW style but it also had Harry Potter. Me and Jess went to see Moody but he was being a jerk so we tried Stupefy on him, but it didn't work because we were weak wizards, he laughed and stupefied her and me and we flew back across the room. We then sat down and he talked to us I don't remember about what. But he showed me how to do a spell. And then it cut to black then into a valley, and I was running around with the Weasley's on a bunch of hills. Apparently I made up a spell "patriotism" and it brought fireworks wherever I cast it, and I accidentally set a house on fire and ran to it and cast Aguamenti, and water fell out of the ceilings, and I ran away. I woke up :'|